Thursday, April 27, 2006


Have you ever forced yourself to sleep a bit more so you could dream more? It does work ina way, if you don't have a job that is. This morning I did that and I had a really disturbing dream. The kind that leaves you with a nausiating feeling all day.

Banging noises on the door from my next door neighbour woke me up. I tried to ignore it at first but it was so loud and went on for ever. I know I should have gone and checked cause it didn't sound too good. But this is Germany, everyone lives in their own world and literally dies alone. As an 'integrated' foreigner I didn't go and check. I hope the guy is alright.After this I went back to sleep. I had a really disturbing dream.

We were at a house, my parent and Jc. There were other people as well. We were rushing to get out of there, Jc and I were in the same room trying to pack quickly. My dad came in the room and said; there was just a few minutes ago an earthquake in Ankara at the magnitude of 5.5. You know it's going to be worse. It's going to come here so hurry up. And also you shouldn't have sex and eat before or during an eathquake.'


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